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  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 10:04 AM
    So, why is this for music only? Why won't it do video?
    We don't know the details for sure yet. All of what you're seeing is just speculation and guessing and people voicing concerns on what the possibilities might be.

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  • nwcs
    Apr 4, 12:25 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

    Most likely nothing. Read the article.

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. CALENDAR 2011 PRINTABLE APRIL

  • mrblack927
    May 3, 01:55 PM
    Don't despair.

    An Apple Patent May Hint at a Mini Tower Desktop...

    Image (http://www.patentlyapple.com/.a/6a0120a5580826970c01347fbb924f970c-pi)

    I would love that. And I know there are many others who have been asking for a consumer level headless mac desktop. However, I don't know if that contingent of people is big enough (read: lucrative enough) to sway apple's attention. :(

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  • Ibkulguy99
    Apr 30, 08:23 PM
    Hey everyone!

    I finally converted my parents from an 8 year old PC that I built for them to an iMac...last week. Hearing the news that the new Sandy Bridge processors are due on Tuesday, what recourse do we have? Can we return the 21.5" for the new one? What sort of restocking fees, etc. would we incur?


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  • MattyMac
    Sep 15, 06:43 PM
    I'll be very tempted if it has;
    All the display info in the latest iPods
    4-8 GB
    Full iLife intergration (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, Address book (with pictures), Mail)
    Earphones (Pref BT and acts as hands free)

    iChat with BT for Audio?
    IR remote feature
    Light / Flash

    Wow...that would be ideal! Mucho $$ too.

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. printable april 2011 calendar
  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 05:47 PM
    Well thank you Steve Balmer. Why in the hell did Gates left him in charge I never will understand.

    While Steve Jobs is great.

    See you have two kinds of Steves, one is an idiot and other one is highly intelligent. :D

    And from this post one can venture a guess as to which kind you are.

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  • april 2011 calendar printable

  • gnasher729
    Mar 30, 12:14 PM
    What about "Burger Store" ?

    Let's say you have a conversation with a friend like this "I'd really like a burger right now. " "Ok, where shall we go? " "To the nearest xxx, of course!". Which of these could you imagine saying without your friend thinking you are weird:

    Burger King
    Mc Donald's
    burger place
    burger store.

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. april 2011 calendar printable
  • april 2011 calendar printable

  • duervo
    Mar 23, 06:25 PM
    and silence from duervo. how unsurprising.

    My answer was in my statement about your assumptions being ironic.

    You should have been able to figure it out from that.

    The fact that I have to spell it out for you is ... disappointing.

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  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 02:42 PM
    I think he is. Too bad IDC isn't one of them.

    Why, because IDC isn't like David Pogue and Walter Mossberg - simply republishing Apple's latest PR dementia?

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  • miyamoto
    Nov 9, 02:37 PM
    Some time back there was a post of someone swapping out a cpu in an Imac. Does anyone know if someone has managed to swap out the core 2 duo cpu yet? I assume they still arent soldered?

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 25, 01:06 AM
    I've seen people like the OP get pulled up and receive whopping great tickets from the cops. To say the least they look terrified about what their mum will say when she finds out. It makes me laugh.

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. Printable 2011 Calendar
  • Printable 2011 Calendar

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 01:58 PM
    You're not getting it. You are looking at a sunny-sky situation where nothing bad ever happens. Let's look at it from my perspective, a real-world perspective: my Macbook, which was used to sync my iPhone and my wife's iPhone, was stolen last fall. So who has all of this supposedly "safe" data now? Whoever has that Macbook. Probably nothing will ever happen, but now I have that little thing in the back of my mind thinking, "Hmm, if that guy happens to read about this and happens to still have it, he could theoretically track our normal daily movements." In other words, he'd know our daily routine - you know, most people have a routine and stick to it and don't think a second thing about it. Conceivably, he could come back and strike again because he has a good feel of when we're not there. I'd say the likelihood of this happening is extremely low. But it could happen because of this. (And we know the Macbook was used for a long, long time because of Zumocast - had it on our iPhones and her computer and saw him logged in all the time, starting a couple days after he stole it. Was actually able to recover some family videos that way, actually.)

    That's what you don't get. People shouldn't even have to worry about this. That kind of data shouldn't be available, period. PERIOD. And don't tell me to encrypt my iPhone backups, that's water under the bridge. Why doesn't iTunes encrypt them automatically, hmm? There's no need for any of this.

    Finally some sensible example where this might cause a problem .... time for the 'remote erase' feature for MacBooks.

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  • Calendar+template+april+2011

  • jaknudsen
    Apr 13, 09:20 AM
    Could the "Airplay vs. Sonos" discussion please continue in a separate thread? As different implementations of the RAOP hack will appear, this thread will continue to be worth a subscription.

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  • The monthly calendar April

  • JMP
    Apr 30, 06:51 PM
    Evolution of the "Operating System."

    It has to happen sometime and in some form.

    Apple is doing it. if you have any better ideas that *will* raise the bar and represent the Gold Standard for the rest of the industry, please let Apple know. They might be hiring.

    Evolution?? No
    Transformation?? Yes

    I'd like "spaces" the way it is now, it's perfect.

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. 2011 calendar with holidays.
  • 2011 calendar with holidays.

  • wazgilbert
    Apr 28, 04:29 PM
    Yes I am. And fairly new to Apple (switched to Mac in 2006 and iPhone in 2007).

    Does being new here mean that I have to learn how a corporation that just recorded at record net income of $5.23 billion is "DEAD"? If so, please enlighten me.

    I have worked in finance for 35 years and only hold a Bachelors degree in Buisiness, but I'm sure from your response that you (and others here) know more about business than me. So please explain how the earnings report is an indication of impeding doom.... I'm always willing to learn from a group of experts!

    Typical Arts student! come back when you're qualified in Science or Engineering and tell us how manufacturing products that are worth selling works.

    Even the MBA crowd are appalling at their supposed specialty subject of business - that's just a euphemism for people who don't want to add value to something, but are skilled at counting the cost and value of things and are second only to accountants at removing the soul of a business in the name of making money.

    Oh yeah - you said it - qualified in "buisiness" [sic] but works in finance - surely that should read - holds some form of accountancy degree and is an accountant? No? under-qualified then. (or clerk)

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  • �algiris
    Dec 30, 09:15 AM
    What else can they say. Moving on.

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  • milo
    Sep 5, 06:11 PM
    Read my previous post :)

    I did. It was about connecting AV cables to the TV. Which was covered in the pic.

    Please, for the love of God, start making some sense.

    By using the BOX with the HARD DRIVE next to the TV!!

    They're going to use a stripped down box connected to a TELEVISION to do things like send email and surf the web??? :eek: By making that box a full fledged computer, you just tripled the price at least. What a horrible idea. If you're going to spend the money on a computer, why not make it useful as a computer instead of wasting money by using it only to play back TV programs? And with your proposal, how does someone watch TV while someone else is surfing the web?

    april 2011 calendar with holidays printable. printable april 2011 calendar
  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • snebes
    Apr 4, 11:51 AM
    seems a little excessive. Hopefully there were some bits to the story left out.
    Otherwise, yeah... a little excessive.

    Nothing was left out, if you read the story. Gun fire was exchanged. Obviously the mall guard had better training, possibly a moonlighting cop.

    Armed security guards are pretty standard in Chicagoland too.

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  • Saturday, 30 April 2011

  • linux2mac
    May 3, 10:53 AM
    Two high end screens from dual thunderbolt on a 27 inch iMac? Wow. That is bad ass.

    We finally agree on something! Been waiting for ability to hook up two ACD's to iMac since I converted to Mac in 2009. I hated the possibility of having to go Mac Pro for triple displays.

    Sep 14, 03:21 PM
    New iSight? Works with new 5.5th Gen iPod?

    Sep 14, 08:14 AM
    Oh good, I was just coming down from anticipation for the last special event, but Apple's always there with my fix.

    Aug 28, 01:42 PM
    I just want them to bump up the Macbook so then I can go ahead and buy my fist Mac. I just want to buy it when its the most current.

    Um, it's most current whenever you buy it.

    As long as you're not buying the past generation, anyway.

    If you walked into the Apple Store today and bought a 2GHz MacBook, it'd be the most current.

    Sep 1, 08:56 AM
    aaaaa gimme my core2duo macbook :)
    I'm not buying the ordinary coreduo because I heard that it has a lot of bugs that intel will only fix on the new processor.
    And I can wait, so if it doesn't come this month, I don't care waiting another one, who knows even a year :)

    Apr 30, 08:46 PM
    Maybe doom and gloom is just empowering for some folks. It seems short sighted to me.

    There's a difference between short-sightedness and having an educated opinion.

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