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  • prady16
    Sep 14, 08:59 AM
    Any news if Steve will give a keynote in the special event preceeding photokina?

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 29, 06:08 AM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.


    The exact OPPOSITE is true.

    Apple takes some serious risks. How else do they move the entire industry in new directions?

    iPhone. iPad. Both massive risks. Both were dismissed by major industry players. The iPad especially was dismissed by a lot of folks on MR. Vertical business model in an industry where everyone in in a race to the bottom and where some version of Windows dominates on computers. Big risk. Completely ditching OS 9 overnight and moving to OS X. Big risk as well. Apple is really the only one on the block that bothers to try new things.

    Here's some claim chowder. Mmmm, deeeelish!

    Am I the only one who thinks Acer is right and they are not worried nor expect the iPad to do little to no damage to their netbook market.

    The iPad is basicly nothing more then a iPod touch with a bigger screen. Yes the bigger screen offers some extras stuff but still you suffer the same limitition of the iPhone/iPod Touch OS and are trapped in apple's sand box.

    The iPad is not going to replace a traveling computer because it is just way to limited. It has piss poor way of connecting to USB/SD card. You are still required to carry a dedicated keyboard if you want to get much work done that way and so on.

    The Netbook on the other had is a great for business travelers. It is a full flege computer. Yeah it has a small screen but it is the same size a the iPad and a full size keyboard and more powerful OS.

    iPad is a consumer level devices. Netbook is a bussiness/Enterprise level device. That is 2 very different markets. The Netbook is not designed to replace a deticated desktop/Main laptop neither is the iPad. Netbooks are designed to make traveling with a computer a hell of a lot nicer.

    Lets compare the 2.

    Checking Email-- I give that to the iPad.
    Responding to Email - Netbook due to keyboard.
    Over all email - Netbook

    Surfing the internet - Netbook due to flash support

    Reading the news - iPad.
    Reading books - iPad.

    Getting real work done (word documents excel sheets ect.) -- Netbook.

    iPad - Consumer device something apple has proven it is damn good at.

    Netbook --Enterprise/ Bussiness device -- Something apple has shown time and time again it has craptactor support and does not really even bother making stuff to into that market.

    So what happened? This "oversized iPod Touch" did this:

    In its quarterly filing, Microsoft indicated that the consumer PC market was the primary culprit for the decline � pointing in particular to a 40 percent decline in netbook sales in the consumer market. That�s more evidence of the iPad�s impact on the market. Many consumers are opting for the Apple slate rather than Windows-based netbooks to fill the gap between the PC and the phone.

    40% decline in netbooks, huh?

    Remember seeing articles like these a while back?

    David Carnoy, February 2009: "Why Apple Must Do a Netbook Now"
    Preston Gralla, March 2009: "Why Apple Will Have to Release a Netbook"
    Charles Moore, March 2010: "Apple Still Needs a Sub-$700 Conventional Notebook"

    Apple TOOK A RISK and did the iPad instead. And look what happened.

    Cheap netbook junk is circling the drain and major players are suddenly in the tablet game full-tilt. AFTER Apple laid the groundwork. Apple's big risks pay off. Whether Apple thinks they're a "sure thing" is a different story. They're likely pretty confident in what they produce because they know better than everyone else, whether it's the other major industry players, pundits, etc.

    MS' backbone is their universal licensing racket. Winblows on PCs. No need to innovate. Blame netbook decline. Blame a "market reset." Blame your mom. But never blame your aging cash cow whose udders are now almost completely dry. MS is NOT a risk-taker. Especially in the enterprise. Especially in operating systems. Especially by copying Apple 3 years late ALMOST EVERY TIME. Let Apple take the risks, and then Zune it! Or release a smartphone no one really gives a damn about.

    Please, don't go talking about risks. Because the only one to have any friggin' shred of creativity in the industry and the power to mass produce the fruits of it is Apple. Their moves for the past decade have been nothing less than complete and total daring. They often come out of left field with products that no one initially understands, that are laughingly dismissed by other major players (Ballmer on the iPhone, nearly everyone on the iPod), but that we end up using and everyone else ends up copying shortly after. Part of the reason an industry player that does the exact opposite of the other major players is about to surpass Exxon Mobil as the most valuable company on the planet.

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  • bankshot
    Sep 12, 03:26 PM
    Because they use the same battery, how can videos play longer and not music?

    Either the video playback code was improved to be less power hungry (maybe it uses less CPU, maybe it doesn't need to spin the disk as much), or an improved video chip was put in which uses less power.

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  • roadbloc
    May 3, 10:15 AM
    Does anything use Thunderbolt yet? Will anything ever?

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  • Harthansen
    Sep 12, 07:19 PM
    Wasting breath on a comment like this isn't even worth it.
    OH whatever Apple is great. Apple is god. Apple can do no wrong. It was that way for a while, and they will always be better then Windows, god knows I hate windows. Now, they are slipping.


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  • evilgEEk
    Sep 19, 03:42 PM
    I'm not touching it until they offer 5.1 sound. I'm sure its just a matter of time, though.
    Sometimes it helps to do a quick search. ;)

    They do have surround sound support. (

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  • jacob1201
    Sep 12, 04:17 PM
    will search and quick scroll be in my ipod's next update?
    I've updated the software... games work, quick scroll works... but no search :(... unless I'm just blind and am missing something. Seems like it should be there, since everything else seems to be, right? Any thoughts?

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  • milbournosphere
    Apr 20, 12:53 PM
    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.

    Sorry for the knee-jerk reaction...after reading some more, you are correct. Gotta RTFA next time.:o

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  • Number 41
    Mar 23, 05:06 PM
    Stupidity on MacRumors and in the federal government, as usual.

    The only reason OVI / DUI / DWI checkpoints are legal under the US Constitution and your local state Constitution is because the locations are made public in advance. Your local newspaper (or some other paper of general circulation) will publish the locations a day or so in advance of the police operating the checkpoint. This is what allows the police to pull your car over and detain you despite lacking any probable cause to believe you are drunk. Without that notice (where you are considered to have consented to the stop by driving through the checkpoint), any stopping of your vehicle without probable cause is unlawful and renders any evidence located (such as your breath test or SFSTs) inadmissible in court.

    Removing this app is tantamount to the federal government telling private citizens they don't have a right to know where checkpoints are located -- and that knowledge is the only reason checkpoints are legal.

    The Senators are stepping in it on this one, and probably not a one of them has anyone on their staff who has ever spent time in a municipal court dealing with a drunk driving case.

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  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 4, 11:48 AM
    A mall cop having to shoot someone in the head...he'll probably need some counseling.

    Yes, this experience will probably be very traumatic for him. Having killed someone is tough enough, but the second-guessing and accusations might go on forever. Unfortunately.

    Lot of stress for little money. Actually, it would be nice to see Apple step in and help out here. They do after all have other stores in other malls that need protecting, and the guards might be comforted to know Apple has their backs.

    If you read the linked article you will see that the guard exchanged gunfire with the 2 male suspects. It's not excessive to try to save your own life...

    A point unfortunately missed by many who immediately presumed 'excessive force'. As I say, the accusations afterward can be as stressful as the incident itself.

    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    And the cheap, easy moral posturing begins. Sad.

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  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 01:51 AM
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).

    nothing wrong? and what if she didnt swerve, hit you in the back, and the collision causes the death of, lets say, 1 or 2 people. but you, mr. safe driver felt obligated to teach her a lesson.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 11:35 AM
    Should I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.

    Why? Do you have an external SSD array with a Thunderbolt interface? Power to you if so ;)

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  • addicted44
    Mar 29, 11:56 AM
    He means CUT and paste hence the caps. Not copy. i.e. The text you select is both deleted and copied to the clipboard. I use it a lot myself in Windows and do miss it in OSX. Also allows you to easily move files around by CUT and pasting them :D

    SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond. There is literally no consistency between anything. Just go to the Control Panel, and while clicking dialogs you will be transported between windows that look like they are modern Web Pages (especially the network panels, with blinking computers) and panels that looked like they haven't realized that Windows 95 is obsolete yet.

    Windows 7 is a UI and usability nightmare (compared to SL, although much better than Vista). What I do give credit to MS for is that its security model is rock solid (probably better than Linux and most Unixes). Mac OS X has fallen behind in security. This, however, is not that big an issue anymore, IMO, because all OS security is complex enough that attackers are relying on OS vulnerabilities less, and Social Engineering more to gain access. Again, Windows's bad (and more important in this context, horribly inconsistent over the years) UI has made its users more vulnerable to such attacks.

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  • dime21
    Apr 19, 11:21 AM
    Apple HAS to file a lawsuit in this case.

    If they did not, then they open the door to not being able to protect their assets in court down the road if someone else tries to copy anything Apple offers.

    Non-issue here people. Just playing by the rules of the game.
    actually, this is true. at least in the US, if you fail to defend your copyrights or trademarks in court, that constitutes abandonment of said copyrights and trademarks, which then legally entitles anyone to freely use them. so yes, apple is required to sue anyone who makes a suspiciously similar looking product.

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 19, 07:15 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments.

    Big businesses aren't usually personal. Law suits happen, it shouldn't mean it turns into fisty-cuffs!

    (Breach of contract isn't simple, if Samsung did pull out and cripple Apple they could be made to pay damages to cover for that as it is foreseeable. It is obviously much more complex than that, but you get the point.)

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  • swissmann
    Apr 4, 12:23 PM
    How about the whole incident being avoided by people being honest and working for what you want. In this case no robbery, no need for a guard, no guns, no death. Ideally we shouldn't need locks on our doors or guards in the first place (unrealistic I know).

    I do think most people are good though. My local Apple store had a door lock malfunction one morning and a dozen people were inside roaming around looking at things before management came to open the store. Nothing was stolen.

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  • Stridder44
    Apr 19, 10:39 AM
    that's because samsung supplies all these companies with parts for their phones. Sue Samsung, risk getting the shaft on internals! We'll see what happens.

    Apple has many, many billions just sitting in the bank. Morals and rivalries are always set aside when money comes into play. Samsung may not like the fact that they're getting sued by them, but you can sure as hell bet they won't care when Apple is looking to give them billions of dollars for their products.

    Will be settled out of court with no disclosure of terms. Fees/royaltys will be goes on.

    These are business actions and have little to do with what's right and wrong.

    This is most likely what will happen. There'll be a lot of angry looks and huffed chests coming from both camps, but it'll all work out.

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Sep 14, 08:04 AM
    Is there any chance that they'll release the MBPs here?

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 11:04 PM
    I never said Apple going after Woolworths for their logo was a good move.

    My only point in this whole discussion is Apple is not all sweet and innocent like so many like to think and defend them to the death. They have done some pretty lame things and filed frivolous lawsuits. And as an aside, The Beatles Let It Be album had a red apple logo in the center instead of the usual green.

    Apr 25, 01:03 PM
    Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.


    Hideous? Really?

    I am guessing this is the kind of laptop you admire for its beautiful case design, right?

    Apr 19, 08:01 PM
    This is just another pissing contest to result in a settlement and some bizarre technology sharing or nothing in particular.

    It's posturing.

    this is the only comment that made sense in this entire thread.

    Sep 19, 11:14 PM
    Why is Apple always cutting corners? They get so close to great things, but not close enough.I sadly kind of agree with this sentiment, and I love your avatar icon! :)

    Apr 19, 11:49 PM

    He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.

    You know what.....nevermind.

    Why nevermind?

    Apr 20, 01:06 PM
    Is your backup encrypted???

    yep! and takes the Pwnage Tool vitamin :D

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