kate moss drugs

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  • Kate Moss and Pete Doherty

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

    kate moss drugs. amy winehouse kate moss
  • amy winehouse kate moss

  • Aztechian
    Jul 27, 09:52 AM
    Yes. I believe people who have gotten their hands on Core 2 Duo beta chips have put them in their mini's with no difference (except a massive speed boost)

    Weren't the notebook CPU's soldered to the boards though?

    ^^^beat me to it ;-)

    kate moss drugs. graffiti of the day: Kate Moss
  • graffiti of the day: Kate Moss

  • milo
    Jul 27, 11:35 AM
    Once again, I read it and read it well. The big deal about the G5 being in Mac was that the entire system was redesigned for better performance. Go read about the G5 system architecture if apple still has it up.

    What's your point?

    Each new generation of these intel chips has improvements over the last. Sometimes clock speeds get higher, but more emphasis is on chip improvements that bring improved performance at the same clock speed. Apple isn't hyping clock speed, these new chips don't have much higher clock speeds than the G4's and G5's they replace and have considerably lower clock speeds than other intel and amd chips that are already out.

    Not only has Apple continued to shoot down the MHZ myth, Intel has joined as well.

    If you look at benchmarks, I think the yonahs already outperformed the G5's for many things at the same clock speed. This next gen takes it a step farther.

    kate moss drugs. Blake reckons: quot;Kate Moss and
  • Blake reckons: quot;Kate Moss and

  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    Good points. All of them.

    not sarcasm^

    kate moss drugs. cocaine from Kate Moss#39;s
  • cocaine from Kate Moss#39;s

  • steadysignal
    Apr 27, 08:02 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database is logging ourbgeneral location. :mad:

    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    kate moss drugs. of kate moss as cocaine kate
  • of kate moss as cocaine kate

  • Dagless
    Aug 5, 04:18 AM
    i thought this game was vaporware

    They finally announced the release date at E3 2010.
    I don't think I'll be getting it. I bought GT PSP and its as if the developers actively tried to suck all the enjoyment out of the series.

    kate moss drugs. Kate Moss and Sir Philip Green
  • Kate Moss and Sir Philip Green

  • dakotacheryl
    Apr 8, 06:49 AM
    no apple stores in the state of south dakota. but we got bb

    We have an Apple Store/Computer Village in Rapid City. Great folks, helpful and very knowledgeable. They've even helped me with questions about Apple products I've bought from other retailers.

    kate moss drugs. quot;Kate really wants to get
  • quot;Kate really wants to get

  • Moyank24
    Mar 8, 03:28 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (http://www.tfp.org/images/books/Defending_A_Higher_Law.pdf).

    Why do you feel the need to hide behind other people's words? Why would you use a book that is 2000 years old to define your morality?

    You have made multiple offensive, inflammatory, and downright laughable claims. And the only way you can back them up is by using books, studies, etc..that are so completely biased they can hardly be taken seriously.

    I'm sure I would be able to find articles and studies that favor my point of view as well. But why would I need to do that? I don't need written justification to make myself feel better about my beliefs, or the way I choose to live my life.

    Venture out into the real world. Read the newspaper...watch TV. Gays and Lesbians are falling in love, getting married, raising children, serving in the military, serving in Congress, teaching in our schools, practicing medicine...Just like heterosexuals. No better and no worse. And the earth continues to revolve around the sun.

    But I guess in the end, it's easier to justify hate and ignorance if you have a book like the Bible and organizations like the THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DEFENSE OF TRADITION, FAMILY AND PROPERTY (?) to stand behind.

    Of course if the THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DEFENSE OF TRADITION, FAMILY AND PROPERTY says it, it must be true. There's no need to listen to those of us in this thread who actually know what we are talking about because we are living it...not because we read an article or a book about it.

    kate moss drugs. Kate sniffing cocaine.
  • Kate sniffing cocaine.

  • Cyberskip
    Apr 6, 12:13 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?
    Here are a few examples.



    kate moss drugs. supermodel Kate Moss (with
  • supermodel Kate Moss (with

  • TripHop
    Jun 14, 06:52 PM
    I understand your frustration, but apple kept us all in the dark until the very last minute. Before 3:30 no body knew anything. It will take it a little while to roll down hill.
    I think we all know how secretive apple is don't we?

    I just manage a store in the best region in the company. We have a very effective chain of command here in E. Texas.I called all 3 corporate stores in my county and none of the managers knew about the conference call and none of them know how they're going to handle pre-orders tomorrow morning. They ASSUME it will be the way they pre-sold Evo phones which was with a $50 deposit. But they don't know anything about PIN numbers or anything else the East Texas administration or national is telling you. One manager reported there's a pre-opening conference call scheduled for California stores tomorrow morning. The other 2 didn't even report that to me. But just called my closest store and the manager says the 8:30 conference call tomorrow morning is a weekly event and nothing special for the pre-order instructions. :confused:

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  • Kate+moss+smoking+while+

  • macaddicted
    Jul 30, 07:42 PM
    Perhaps I have overstated my case. Intel is shipping Merom chips, but laptops with Merom inside are not expected in retail channels until the end of August--perhaps because of limited supply?

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

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  • kate-moss-cocaine

  • stapler
    Sep 13, 07:57 PM
    I doubt anybody runs more than eight really hardcore apps at once.

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  • Cocaine kate after being

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 23, 06:11 AM
    Libya is more like Bosnia than Iraq. A moment of force has the potential to change the scope of the conflict, hopefully for the positive, in a way that a full-blown invasion would merely complicate. That's the central part that fivepoint, who is merely interested in making another partisan screed, is ignoring.

    Well exactly. Far easier to tag together some buzzwords, maybe pull something from FoxNews than it is to think critically about the issue. This inane comparison between coalition numbers was also picked up by Steve M.:

    Fox Nation huffily declares that "Bush Had 2 Times More Coalition Partners in Iraq Than Obama Has in Libya." Bush's thirty-nation list, of course, included such global powers as Azerbaijan, Estonia, Latvia, and Uzbekistan, and didn't include the likes of, y'know, Germany and France.

    But if we're going to play games like this, in the run-up to the war, how many coalition partners did Bush attract per week? The Libyan uprising started just about a month ago and Obama's coalition is fifteen nations. When do you date the start of the "Iraq crisis" the Bushies manufactured? The Axis of Evil speech, fourteen months before the war began? The Battle of Tora Bora, a month before that? The first administration meetings on Iraq regime change, mere days after Bush's inauguration, and more than two years before the Iraq War started? By that standard, Bush barely acquired one coalition partner a month! Obama obtained more than three partners a week!

    I'm reminded of the 2000 electoral maps that measured Bush's vote by geography, as if winning a county with more jackrabbits than people was the equivalent of winning a county full of apartment buildings.


    Meanwhile, Juan Cole lays out ten reasons why this is not like Iraq:

    Here are the differences between George W. Bush�s invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the current United Nations action in Libya:

    1. The action in Libya was authorized by the United Nations Security Council. That in Iraq was not. By the UN Charter, military action after 1945 should either come as self-defense or with UNSC authorization. Most countries in the world are signatories to the charter and bound by its provisions.

    2. The Libyan people had risen up and thrown off the Qaddafi regime, with some 80-90 percent of the country having gone out of his hands before he started having tank commanders fire shells into peaceful crowds. It was this vast majority of the Libyan people that demanded the UN no-fly zone. In 2002-3 there was no similar popular movement against Saddam Hussein.

    3. There was an ongoing massacre of civilians, and the threat of more such massacres in Benghazi, by the Qaddafi regime, which precipitated the UNSC resolution. Although the Saddam Hussein regime had massacred people in the 1980s and early 1990s, nothing was going on in 2002-2003 that would have required international intervention.

    4. The Arab League urged the UNSC to take action against the Qaddafi regime, and in many ways precipitated Resolution 1973. The Arab League met in 2002 and expressed opposition to a war on Iraq. (Reports of Arab League backtracking on Sunday were incorrect, based on a remark of outgoing Secretary-General Amr Moussa that criticized the taking out of anti-aircraft batteries. The Arab League reaffirmed Sunday and Moussa agreed Monday that the No-Fly Zone is what it wants).

    5. None of the United Nations allies envisages landing troops on the ground, nor does the UNSC authorize it. Iraq was invaded by land forces.

    6. No false allegations were made against the Qaddafi regime, of being in league with al-Qaeda or of having a nuclear weapons program. The charge is massacre of peaceful civilian demonstrators and an actual promise to commit more such massacres.

    7. The United States did not take the lead role in urging a no-fly zone, and was dragged into this action by its Arab and European allies. President Obama pledges that the US role, mainly disabling anti-aircraft batteries and bombing runways, will last �days, not months� before being turned over to other United Nations allies.

    8. There is no sectarian or ethnic dimension to the Libyan conflict, whereas the US Pentagon conspired with Shiite and Kurdish parties to overthrow the Sunni-dominated Baathist regime in Iraq, setting the stage for a prolonged and bitter civil war.

    9. The US has not rewarded countries such as Norway for entering the conflict as UN allies, but rather a genuine sense of outrage at the brutal crimes against humanity being committed by Qaddafi and his forces impelled the formation of this coalition. The Bush administration�s �coalition of the willing� in contrast was often brought on board by what were essentially bribes.

    10. Iraq in 2002-3 no longer posed a credible threat to its neighbors. A resurgent Qaddafi in Libya with petroleum billions at his disposal would likely attempt to undermine the democratic experiments in Tunisia and Egypt, blighting the lives of millions.


    kate moss drugs. We Were Wrong about Kate Moss#39;
  • We Were Wrong about Kate Moss#39;

  • Squareball
    Jul 20, 02:02 PM
    So will this be a "Quad 2 Duo" ;)

    kate moss drugs. Everyone thought Kate Moss#39;s
  • Everyone thought Kate Moss#39;s

  • wmmk
    Aug 17, 03:32 PM
    And for what purpose? Would any of you drop the $3500 needed to upgrade to the latest Mac Pro? Or is it just the drool factor, like when you look through Car and Driver and drool over an $80K sports car?
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

    kate moss drugs. it kate moss is smokin
  • it kate moss is smokin

  • treblah
    Aug 5, 04:20 PM
    what is the link for the QT page? :p


    kate moss drugs. We had Kate Moss
  • We had Kate Moss

  • tirk
    Apr 11, 11:44 AM
    If it is going to be a 4g/LTE iPhone then this works for me. I have no complaints with my iPhone 4 so waiting another 4-6 months is fine with me.

    80%* of potential purchasers won't have access to LTE for at least another year from then. Given that 3G was added only after it was widely available, why would Apple take such a risk with the huge numbers of June/July iPhone users coming to the end of their contracts for such a minority market?

    [*made up statistic, but I bet it's not far wrong! :D ]

    kate moss drugs. Kate Moss whole?
  • Kate Moss whole?

  • bigpics
    Apr 11, 02:13 PM
    If it is going to be a 4g/LTE iPhone then this works for me. I have no complaints with my iPhone 4 so waiting another 4-6 months is fine with me.I don't follow components closely, but I've read the current LTE chipset is none too svelte and power-hungry to boot.

    If a delay's about LTE (and giving more time for tower rollout), it could be because Apple's sourcing next gen LTE radio (if one is near), keeping the device "thinner, faster, longer-running," consistent with current evolution and marketing points.

    And for the record, neither Sprint's WiMax, T-mob's HSPA+ nor either Verizon's or ATT's LTE 1 come close to meeting the evolving, but existing spec (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G)for "4G"

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  • 4k: kate moss smoking weed

  • SevenInchScrew
    Dec 8, 12:05 PM
    Actually, Sony explained that the damage is not unlocked or progressive as one dives deeper into the game. It's just that as one goes further into the game, one is able to FINALLY collect more premium cars which do have the better damage engine.
    This is exactly opposite to what I've read and seen in the game.

    Aug 27, 08:57 PM
    I think im gonna wait and buy in 2007 with leopard and iLife 07 :rolleyes:

    That's my plan (if I can hold out until then) ... as much as I'm dying to get my hands on an iMac right now, having an upgraded iMac and an upgraded OS will be that much better.

    Mar 26, 10:42 AM
    OS evolution is like classifying cats by size.

    Each one gets a bit bigger, but they are still cats.

    The only time I would be excited, literally, about a MAJOR release is if they went to an OS which was slated to be described by Canines.

    Then I would be reasonably assured something astounding was coming.

    Apr 6, 03:10 PM
    Ok ok ok... xoom, ipad, whatever...

    you'd rather have a hamburger than a delicious, melty CHEESEBURGER?
    Frigging hamburger fanbois... :p

    You busted me.

    I am a hamburger fanboi, and will turn into a raving lunatic, foam at the mouth and make up opinions based on nothing all to defend my beloved hamburgers. After all they're lighter, slimmer and tastier than cheesburgers!!!

    Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

    Aug 17, 04:39 AM
    Could you give some evidence for that, except that they are underclocked on the MacBook Pro _when they are idle_?

    And the Macbook... Nearly 50% underclocked, like the 950 was so amazing that it could be crippled by half of its mindblowing performance...

    Mar 26, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How does Rosetta hold back forward progress exactly? It's just small extension for the OS. It's not like it's Classic.

    It's crap that is no longer needed.

    Stuff that can be cut out but isn't, holds back progress. Progress = cutting and more cutting and then perfecting what's left over.

    Rosetta isn't necessary to run today's apps (or even apps released over the past 2-3 years.) So it needs to go.

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