paula patton and robin thicke child

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  • zweigand
    Apr 25, 12:12 AM
    Fun and games till it's not.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 28, 12:53 PM
    I did say the may just announce them tomorrow, but that rumor of a large shipment coming in from overseas seems like a better indication of when they may be shipping.
    If there annouced tomorrow that's 100% fine with me.

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  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 4, 12:20 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 19, 11:00 PM
    No, I truly hate that place.. and all it stands for.

    Not you, the poster you were quoting was being sarcastic. I was drawing your attention to his sarcasism.

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  • MacinDoc
    Aug 24, 11:20 AM
    Creative joins the "Made for iPod" program and pays Apple a percentage of the revenue for iPod-only products? Doesn't sound like the kind of terms a confident victor would be making. Sounds more like a company trying to kick up a new revenue source in light of the fact that Zune is about to eat up its music player business.

    The most interesting part is when Zune launches, and how long it will take Creative to sue Microsoft. Apple just turned a 90-lb weakling into a hired assassin!
    These are probably the 2 most important points in all of this. Creative has NOT licensed this technology to other MP3 player manufacturers, and purchasing a license will be prohibitive for many manufacturers. And with Creative joining the Made for iPod program, it will likely soon learn that there is more money in making iPod accessories than in making iPod competitors.

    All in all, this settlement will discourage iPod competitors.

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  • robeddie
    Apr 25, 01:57 PM
    I love the way the Arn writes "the next revision of Apple's MacBook Pro line will utilize a new case design for the first time in several years."

    It's been a couple years. 2 years, 6 months to be exact. He writes as though this design has been around for like, forever!

    The previous aluminum design remained almost exactly the same (except for some almost inperceptable thinning when it became the MacPro) from Jan 2003 (the powerbook G4) to October 2008. 5 YEARS AND TEN MONTHS!

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  • rtdunham
    Oct 27, 10:56 AM
    Have you ever been to a tech convention? It is *not* a free-for-all where people roam around handing out fliers anywhere on the convention floor. Vendors are expected to stick to their designated booth that they paid for. Conventions make money by charging for floorspace. What kind of leverage would they have to charge for premium or larger floorspace, if vendors could just get the smallest booth possible, but then flood the convention floor with people handing out brochures?

    You understand the conference/expo world. In my past life i produced conferences for up to 2000 people and trade shows with the floorspace of a MacWorld Expo. Managing your customers (exhibitors) is not a precise science, but you're always trying to sustain some sense of fairness: A's music can't drown out conversations in B's deal-making suite; the smell of goats in C's exhibit (this is a REAL example, from an otherwise suit-and-tie professional show!) can't keep people from approaching the exhibitors in adjacent booth D; and business is supposed to be confined to the space rented for that purpose--if you're not an exhibitor, you can't walk the floor and snag customers from in front of paying exhibitors' booths, to make deals; if you are an exhibitor, you're supposed to do your biz in the space you're paying for, for the reasons Imalave presented.

    In practice, there's a considerable fudge factor, but show management does the best it can, if it wants to preserve the appeal of the show for the majority of the exhibitors and attendees. I wasn't at the Mac show in question so can't speak to the specifics, but these are certainly the principles that apply. I HAVE attended all the MWSF Expos for the past decade and COMDEX until it expired, and i know that exhibitors do roam the floors at those shows, awarding prizes to shoppers wearing designated badges, passing out literature, etc., and I know it IS often hard to converse at booth E due to the cheering/chanting/amplified presentations at booth F. But it's all managed into a mix that seems to work very well for everyone.

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  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 08:56 PM
    What the hell are you talking about? I don't know what HD trailers you were downloading, but they look fantastic on my screen. Also, yes, some of them take forever if you're on a slower connection but it sounds as though everyone's banking on broadband these days; it has become the rule, not the exception.

    I downloaded a couple trailers and watched them on two different displays, and they were not "Fantastic"... perhaps fantastic compared to watching the low res version in full screen mode. I am talking about blowing it up and filling the screen with the trailer. It skipped frames, picture froze once in a while.

    Either way, what are you going to do with a HD version of the movie on your computer? Stream it onto your TV from the room next door? If it's that slow with a 2 minute teaser on an Apple Store connection, and my home Comcast connection (which is generally slow - hurry up USB EVDO CARD!!!), I don't see people wanting to buy it, other than the fact that it is a new Apple product.

    I certainly didn't run rigorous tests, just tried watching the new Transformers trailer, clicked the HD version of it, blew it up to full screen, and watched the chunks of video stop everywhere.

    If you want to see TRUE HD, get comcast or any other Digital cable provider and watch the HD feed of NBC for a minute. THAT is what HD should look like. If it doesn't look clear, what's the point?

    with that said, here is a picture of the new video HD video iPOD. This girl is carrying the ipod unit in her left hand and holding onto the 2 TB Hard Drive on her shoulder.

    The bag comes in 3 different colors, which is nice, blue, pink, and titanium.


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  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:48 AM
    I understand the concept of all this, but what if you're in a place with bad reception (or no WiFi for users without an iPhone)? I don't think that I'll be switching to an all-cloud storage service any time soon.

    I do not think that is the plan. I believe the service will allow you to download your songs as well. It just gives you the option to go to the cloud if / when needed.

    paula patton and robin thicke child. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Gurutech
    Sep 10, 10:08 PM
    I'm expecting to see multimedia oriented (that looks like dvd players) that uses conroe and upgradable gpu.

    waiting for the Showtime!!


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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 09:06 AM
    I am quite sure that the software writers will take full advantage of the current hardware.
    Isnt it normally so, that apps push the evolution of the hardware?

    Some applications just can't be multithreaded and writing reliable multi threaded applications is damned hard still.

    Back in the early 90s I was using ICL DAPs which had a grid of 1024 CPUs. You could fly through a Mandlebrot set in realtime or analyse weather patterns quicker than anything else at the time short of a couple of Crays. A Mac SE/30 however was quicker at handling files and we used to use that to handle the normal stuff.

    paula patton and robin thicke child. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 19, 10:58 PM
    See the roll eyes after his post, I think he was being sarcastic.

    No, I truly hate that place.. and all it stands for.

    paula patton and robin thicke child. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Mr.damien
    Apr 19, 06:54 AM
    Of course, Samsung's Android phone has many additional items such as their pulldown notification shade with built-in radio and orientation lock controls... which many people would love for Apple to copy.
    No ... YOU want.

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  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 07:14 PM
    Gotta say, usually I'd be right there with you on this, but in this case I'm on the senators side. Drunk driving is f--ked up, and the people who do it deserve to rot in a cell. I'm a-okay with them finding those kinds of people. Again though, under most other circumstances I would be completely against caving into the senators' requests.

    Yes, drunk driving is bad. But so are other forms of distracted/dangerous driving such as talking on a cell phone, eating, texting, speeding. Shouldn't they rot in a cell too, since they are posing a dangerous risk on our roads as well? Why single out one type of bad, high-risk driver?

    paula patton and robin thicke child. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • MacBram
    Apr 28, 05:18 PM
    You do realize that this image could end up biting Apple in the butt? In 3 years time the iPad will be where the iPhone is now: Loosing some (not all) of its marketshare to the knockoffs.

    Unless Apple has a new iToy (I.e not an MP3 player, phone or tablet) ready for say 3-4 years from now, they wont get any bigger than they now are.

    More likely scenario: in three years time both the iPhone and the iPad will be where the iPod is.

    With the iPod, Apple started with a high end, expensive device. People still bought it in droves. Later Apple varied it and introduced cheaper, smaller models. There are no effective competitors.

    As the device matures and the Market for mp3 players is saturated, Apple takes it in a new direction and adds iOS and apps. They sell fewer, but most of those sold are mow iPod Touches.

    With iPhone, Apple again started with the high-end. They haven't even begun to produce differentiated models.

    With iPad, Apple has hit a sweet spot really early on -- the competition is in shambles and has no-where to go. Where are the competitive knock-offs at any price, let alone cheaper prices?

    In three years, Apple is going to:
    A) have three more years of experience with these devices (and who is matching the maturity of their devices today) -- particularly as Apple products are often the bench mark and define their respective industries/markets.
    B) have a fully operational data centre online for three years
    C) have even more and better control of components and supply chain
    D) have even more high profile shops in more countries
    E) have even more sales in China and India
    F) have even more experience at designing and producing their own unique SoCs for their devices while competitors have to make do with all the same off-the-shelf power-hungry parts, and same off-the-shelf half-baked operating systems.
    G) still remain unconcerned about its marketshare, having been making HALF the revenue and profits of the ENTIRE industry already!

    Really, no-one even three years ago predicated the success of the iPhone or the existence of the iPad. What makes you think that three years is going to be more favourable to Apple competitors than to Apple?

    Anyway, I wouldn't count out the possibility of new "iToys", but don't forget the MacBook Air, either. This redesigned, second gen model has been flying off the shelves the last few months. Lion is about to be released and MacBook Pros are getting refreshed. Apple never has stood still, why would they start standing still for the next three years!

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  • Zeiss
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    Ahh... America, the land of the free.... all rights and no responsibility. Its an insult to the concept of safe and responsible actions to think that an app that alerts you to a DUI checkpoint is OK. Speeding and red light is different, cause that STOPS people speeding and running red lights, but getting drunk (even moderately - you can still read an app and press a button on your phone) then knowing how to avoid the repercussions aint cool. And hey - try living in Australia - Random Breath tests and drug testing, but then the road toll here has significantly been reduced over the last decade - we have that wonderful campaign - 'If you drink, then drive - your a bloody idiot'!!

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  • morespce54
    Apr 4, 12:05 PM
    What would you do if someone was shooting at you?

    ...Eh, shoot back? But not in the head... A head shot, geez... That wasn't meant to stop him, that was meant to kill him...

    paula patton and robin thicke child. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • iPadPublisher
    Mar 29, 12:28 PM
    You know I read these things all the time about how the Windows Phone OS is picking up steam or how many Android units there are out there... I'm not even sure anyone at Apple really cares about these numbers because we're talking about dozens of handsets using those OS's vs a single phone on iOS.

    I guess the comparison is important to some people, but until Apple is also making nine different phones, the numbers will never stack up. So what.

    Al Coholic
    Apr 22, 01:26 PM
    The TDPs are around the same as with previous gen, or possibly even less (the TDP of 320M is unknown). Also, Turbo Boost will only be activated if the thermals allow that. If your CPU is already running at 90�C, then Turbo most likely won't kick in.

    I doubt SB will make MBA run noticeably hotter.

    You have been pretty much dead on in the past HH so I shall yield to your wisdom. (I just downed another shot of that cheap canadian swill I've been drinking in your name).

    Sep 10, 12:48 PM
    Some applications just can't be multithreaded and writing reliable multi threaded applications is damned hard still.

    Back in the early 90s I was using ICL DAPs which had a grid of 1024 CPUs. You could fly through a Mandlebrot set in realtime or analyse weather patterns quicker than anything else at the time short of a couple of Crays. A Mac SE/30 however was quicker at handling files and we used to use that to handle the normal stuff.
    1024 CPUs??? WOW... and I thought I had nasty simulations. :o
    Still, dont you think that it is a terrible waste of computing power if the app doesnt take advantage of multiple processors, eventhough it might be very hard to write such an app? This is really not my field and I know far too little to have an opinion, so take it for what it is worth.

    Sep 9, 02:53 AM
    I wonder how the 24" iMac equiped with a 2.33ghz Core 2 Duo would fare in that benchmark.

    Mar 29, 12:57 PM
    Hmmm looks like the analyst just took the current Symbian market share and gave it to Windows7 for 2015. I think that is very naive. I think that many more people will move to Android, iPhone and WebOS in the time it takes Nokia to ramp up the Windows phones.

    Sep 5, 05:48 PM
    In order to receive the movie from the movie store it would stream to the "box".Having a HD would allow you to save the movie.


    Later in your room you could stream it from the "Box" to your computer :-)

    That makes no sense. Why wouldn't it just download straight to the computer in the first place? That's where it's stored, that's where it's streamed from. You just added an extra step and made it that much more complicated.

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