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  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 25, 02:48 PM
    As far as reducing thickness goes, you have to kill the Ethernet and Firewire ports before you have to kill Superdrive.

    Ethernet and Firewire are toast. Smaller bezel/smaller footprint, higher resolution screen, additional Thunderbolt port, possibly additional USB port (perhaps a 3.0 port), larger trackpad, SSD (or some flash equivalent) standard--these seem like obvious possibilities.

    Not sure how they can improve on the design, to be honest. And, as others have pointed out, not sure how they maintain the Air lineup if the MBP is going to adopt most of its features.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 22, 03:05 PM
    my point is that they stream from a location and aren't stored locally....
    they stream fine for me.

    because you are beholden to the content people for how long they want that content to be streamable. See loss of Dexter on Netflix as an example (or even the rolling expiration of movies).

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  • hvfsl
    Apr 19, 08:16 AM
    But then they'd have been hammered with 2 law-suits, and then lost their 2nd biggest customer. Thats financial suicide, Apple would find someone else for parts.
    Plus other companies would be less likely to do business with Samsung if they suddenly stopped shipments to a company they had a disagreement with.

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  • MattInOz
    Jan 2, 06:11 PM
    Targeting is one thing. Successfully attacking is a completely different animal. They've been targeting OS X since it came out a decade ago. Successful attacks range from barely a blip on the radar to nonexistent, depending on how you define success. There's no reason to believe that attacks on IOS will be half as successful as the pitiful attacks on OS X.

    Targeting isn't ever going to work if the users are aware of what an attack looks like. It's good that the system makes an attack as obvious as possible. Mac OS helps a lot in that regard but some users just never learn (blondes it's always the blondes who try and open attachments).

    Not that anti virus helps after all it can't do anything unless they know of the attack as well. Having it installed just gives the user a reason to be complacent which is worse. It all comes down to training users.

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  • monke
    Sep 13, 09:29 PM

    Didn't you hear! The new Apple phone is powered by the newly designed low-power embedded G5 chip.

    G5 power phones next Tuesday! Woo Hoo!:D :D :D :eek: :confused:

    And only 6 inches thick :eek: :p :D

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  • Object-X
    Sep 12, 04:01 PM
    I'll need to go back and read the thread and this has p-robably already been posted, but I think that the "big" iPod update was really weak. The other two got some major improvments and fig facelifts. The regular iPod got a resolution upgrade and a bigger hard drive. Woo. Pardon me for not being too excited. :rolleyes:

    You're not alone, a number of people have expressed their opinion that this is a weak update, but no one really seems to offer what they expected. How is it weak? Is is weak because it's not a touch screen wide aspect ratio iPod? What else can they do to these things short of coming out with a completely new design?

    Apple will have to offer something extremely impressive and cutting edge to replace the 5G iPods, and they are surely working on it, but these things take time. One of the things we appreciate about Apple is that they don't normally put out buggy crap (MacBooks notwithstanding). We can forgive them that since they were needed quickly. So, if you want the ooh aah factor you will have to be patient.

    I know all of us 5G iPod owners appreciate our iPods are not outdated just yet. I for one welcome the changes, my 5 year old appreciates PacMan, and the syncing between two computers is freaking awesome!!!!

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  • milescortez
    Mar 22, 05:23 PM
    GeekBoner here.

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  • dba7dba
    Apr 21, 07:01 PM
    if samsung stops providing displays to apple, it would be the best thing ever..NO MORE YELLOW TINT ISSUES!!!

    yellow tinted displays are from LG i believe. in fact i don't think samsung supplies displays for iphone/ipad/

    I'm pretty sure there will countless companies willing to take on Apple as a new customer.

    Willing but are they able?

    Desire and Ability don't always come together.

    In Korea, they even run the government through many arms.

    And you think US is run by our govt? Nope, people on wall street. try again, samsung hater.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 06:32 PM
    What does this mean for the long-rumored widescreen ipod? Are they saving the new samsung 120gig drives for that? Will they wait until the hype dies down then hit it hard with the new 6g ipod like last year? Personally I like the updates, better battery, brighter screen, gapless playback(!), more storage. I just don't want to buy this and then have an uber ipod out in a month's time...Keep Your Powder Dry. It's coming. When we don't know. But no doubt on the way.

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  • jamesi
    Oct 12, 08:04 PM
    except this isn't about a band. its about a charity.

    same deal to me, its a publicity stunt

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  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 05:13 PM
    100% confirmed.

    via Chicago Tribune:

    Nice! Still doesn't answer the mystery of the clickwheel color though

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  • redvettez06
    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    Apple "beats" Microsoft?
    But who has the strongest dad? :rolleyes:

    ROFL! I totally see what you're saying. Why can't people just avoid fanboyish behavior? Both companies make some great products. Both companies make bad products too. *shrugs*

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  • Tears Apart
    Mar 22, 01:57 PM
    Sources or not I think such release is to be expected quite soon. Right now Apple sells laptops as powerful as their desktops!

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  • mdgm
    Apr 14, 11:44 AM
    This is great news! One of the reasons I didn't buy a Sandy Bridge MBP is that I want USB3.

    Edit: oops, I shouldn't post in the early hours of the morning

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  • quagmire
    Apr 25, 10:24 AM
    Holy crap. I just finished reading the thread. Please stay off the road. You did this **** in your moms E60 M5 with 500 HP? I know where this story is heading. Soon you will take that car to an abandoned airport with 3 of your friends which then you will flip it and kill you and your friends. Or you will do that 155 MPH in a neighborhood. These two examples are true stories of 16-18 year olds kids with an E60 M5 who shared the exact same attitude as you and did those stunts. Please do not drive, learn to fly, etc until you gain the maturity to handle these machines.

    You will respond to my post saying that you will never do what those people did. That you're a safe driver and claim you will never do that. Guess what pal? Those kids also claimed the exact same thing. Now four people are dead and the other is screwed.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:23 AM
    Well I'm sorry to hear that happened to your father. My mother was in a similar situation a few years back. She cut off an idiot doing 20 under the speed limit, slammed on the brakes, and there was a wreck. The guy she cut off was found to be at fault for not maintaining a proper distance, my mother was not found at fault. She openly told the cops that she had just passed the guy, and after she passed she thought she saw a squirrel enter the road, so she slammed on the breaks. On top of doing $15,000 grand worth of damage to the guys car (which he had to pay for due to not having broadform insurance) she then sued him for her $2,000 deductible, and won. Sucks to be him, maybe he does the speed limit now.

    EDIT: @ EricNau - what do you guys not understand about "she was doing 65mph is a 70mph zone" which she then lowered to 55mph after brakechecking me????????


    wow clearly no one in your family should not be hind the wheel of a car.
    You all do road rage.
    One day someone will pull a gun on you.
    Sadly the cop was a crappy investigatory because your mom did an illegally lane changed. plus road rage and really there was a lot of room to prove it but you had a lazy cop and then a mother who lies and teachers her son to lie and pull the same crap.

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  • gooddeal
    Apr 19, 08:31 AM
    Great! Now, we have Chinese knock off and Korean knock off.:o

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  • malnar
    Apr 20, 01:53 PM
    Oh, my God! Somebody will know that I took the train! (If, of course, they are security researchers or police officers or vengeful wives who hire a tech detective). So what? Apple does what a responsible corporation must: it won't give out your location without your permission, each and every time.
    You're not getting it. You are looking at a sunny-sky situation where nothing bad ever happens. Let's look at it from my perspective, a real-world perspective: my Macbook, which was used to sync my iPhone and my wife's iPhone, was stolen last fall. So who has all of this supposedly "safe" data now? Whoever has that Macbook. Probably nothing will ever happen, but now I have that little thing in the back of my mind thinking, "Hmm, if that guy happens to read about this and happens to still have it, he could theoretically track our normal daily movements." In other words, he'd know our daily routine - you know, most people have a routine and stick to it and don't think a second thing about it. Conceivably, he could come back and strike again because he has a good feel of when we're not there. I'd say the likelihood of this happening is extremely low. But it could happen because of this. (And we know the Macbook was used for a long, long time because of Zumocast - had it on our iPhones and her computer and saw him logged in all the time, starting a couple days after he stole it. Was actually able to recover some family videos that way, actually.)

    That's what you don't get. People shouldn't even have to worry about this. That kind of data shouldn't be available, period. PERIOD. And don't tell me to encrypt my iPhone backups, that's water under the bridge. Why doesn't iTunes encrypt them automatically, hmm? There's no need for any of this.

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  • JayLenochiniMac
    Apr 4, 12:57 PM
    Handgun users (either for private use or professional use) are taught to shoot center mass. The head shot was most likely a stray round and not intentionally. This guy was probably aiming center mass.

    How could you aim for the center mass not in the head if the person was sitting in a car (likely still firing at the guard while attempting to get away)? From article:

    The male suspects and their alleged female accomplice then got into a silver Acura that crashed while still inside the shopping center's parking lot, Facicci said, noting that one of the men was driving and he died in the crash. He appears to have been killed by a bullet that went through the passenger window, Chula Vista Police said.

    Apr 20, 10:39 AM
    Apple goes to all sorts of lengths to protect media files with FairPlay, yet they don't care about stuff like this. Shows where their focus is; protecting their own stuff and not giving a flying f--- about the user. :mad:

    Apple has never cared about the user, this is not news. Apple only care about one thing: money

    As for being tracked, I couldn't care less. In the UK, there are so many CCTV cameras, you can't do anything without it being recorded. No point getting upset about it...

    Aug 31, 03:09 PM
    Iand who has been feverishly building bandwidth and capability to deliver full length full resolution movies...Google has.
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

    May 1, 12:34 AM
    I absolutely agree. This is the same reason why I was hoping the USB 3.0 would be on this version. I realize now that is almost certainly not going to happen. I just thought that with so many PC's (including some PC laptops) already offering USB 3.0 that maybe the brand spankin' new iMac might be so equipped.

    ivybridge imac 2012 for usb3?

    + when will we see the sandybridge mac minis?

    Mar 29, 12:09 PM
    I'm pretty sure he was referring to cut and paste in finder and "windows snap" is where you can snap two windows side by side easily- it is a great feature in W7 and I hope Apple incorporate it in some way.

    Exactly. Apple needs to implement both of those features. They are not dealbreakers, but the make the experience more complete.

    I use Hyperdock to enable the "window snap"... great app. And another app to allow files to be copy-pasted... can't remember the name of it though... available in Mac App Store.

    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    OH PLEEASE let it be the phone...i need a new one now!!!

    I've been hoping for this for a long, long time. I would love for this to be in the cards, but it just seems too different from iTMS to be announced. But hope springs eternal....

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