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  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 10, 08:41 PM
    Ive heard about cloverton coming all along. and have put off buying a Mac pro

    id much rather have 8 cores then 4 for the work i do

    With people putting off for the "next big thing" I wonder how many people will end up buying nothing ;)

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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 08:34 AM
    I mean people are saying that Conroe is too hot for the iMac as it is (I don't think they are) but Kentsfield is two Conroe dies on one package. Meaning almost double the power consumption and heat generation.

    The thermal requirements for Yonah and Merom are 35W. Conroe is 65W. The old G5 at 2Ghz was 39W so roughly the same as Yonah/Merom although the power management wasn't as good with it not being a laptop chip.

    The Core 2 Extreme version of Conroe has a 75W rating. Kentsfield is being introduced as a Core 2 Extreme chip first so I'd guess it also has a 75W rating.

    Chances of seeing a Conroe Quad in an iMac - non-existent.

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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

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  • needthephone
    Sep 15, 05:57 PM
    Sounds good. I want this phone!

    To me its optics which are just as important as how many MP's. I have a 2MP Nokia 6280 which is OK but its let down by poor optics- For a camera I would rather a Nikon SLR any day

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  • babyj
    Sep 19, 03:44 PM
    Honestly I think movies will come to other countries before TV Shows do. Movies are more universal than TV Shows are, each country has their own TV Shows but everyone wants to watch Lord of the Rings.

    I'd of thought movies will come to the rest of the world pretty quickly. There shouldn't be any licensing issues so its probably more due to logistics than anything else.

    TV is totally different as most of the main programmes are already licensed to other broadcasters for other markets. Which would make selling episodes online outside of the home market tricky, it'll happen one day but it will take time.

    I doubt I'll be buying any movies or tv shows when they come to the UK, I've never bought a single tune before now from iTunes. I run about 6-12 months behind everyone else and buy cds and dvds when they've been reduced, it works out a lot cheaper.

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  • OneMammoth
    Mar 30, 01:32 PM
    IMO it's like Publix or Kroger trying to claim the rights to "grocery store."

    Or maybe more like if McDonald's tried to claim the rights to "burgers."

    good point

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  • cube
    Apr 23, 01:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aren't intel in the process on implementing Open CL?

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  • autrefois
    Oct 12, 06:20 PM
    100% confirmed.

    via Chicago Tribune:

    Sheesh, Apple couldn't even spring for one of those audio splitters so they could each connect a pair of headphones instead of having to share?!?


    It's nice that Apple is giving 5% to charity. Hopefully this is the start of a trend with Apple.

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  • koobcamuk
    May 3, 08:43 PM
    Looks pretty sweet. When I return to the UK I will probably pick up one of these. Mac Pro, though nice, is just overkill.

    Personally I'm a huge fan of daisy chaining. Less devices, less cables, less clutter. You just attach each device to the next.

    What is it you have an aversion to?


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  • Oli3000
    Apr 22, 11:50 AM
    Something that was highlighted to me the other day is that 'apple staff can not book holiday on the 20th/21st/22nd May to mark the 10th anniversary of Apple Retail Stores.'

    So, likelihood of MBA and iMac updates available for that weekend maybe?

    Still, I have a 13.3 MBA ultimate, and yes I do game on it regularly - in a casual manner. I would hate to lose that ability - it somewhat loses plausibility as a laptop worth �1500! If I really want to game I would use a desktop, but a real leader in it's field, should have the ability to do everything at a reasonable level!

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  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 12, 12:26 PM
    If it was recorded today, then the audience must know... Im nowhere near America so I cant ask them... Surely someone else apart from this source will confirm it for us... There has to be a few apple fans in the audience....

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  • scoobydoo99
    Apr 20, 02:09 PM
    You have no proof of this.

    I'm sure they do... but for the most part they just subpoena the telecom provider for whatever records they require.

    lol. they don't even have to subpoena these days. just ask nicely and the companies simply hand over anything they want (all in the name of being good patriots.) Of course, sometimes they charge the government for it:

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  • striker33
    Apr 25, 02:12 PM
    Ahhh just as I bought a new MBP!!!!! Hopefully resale value won't take too big of a hit :(

    13"ers generally lose 15-20% value after a year, so should be fine.

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  • seenew
    Aug 31, 02:03 PM
    There will are not relay organized at AppleExpo

    Wtf does that even mean?!

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  • AutoSpies
    Apr 30, 06:22 PM
    screen prices are cheap and creative types would eat them up

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 19, 11:49 PM

    He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.

    You know what.....nevermind.

    Why nevermind?

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  • Platform
    Sep 14, 08:49 AM
    Is that wise? The camera in cellphones is at best a sorry excuse. Introducing a crappy camera at photokina... I don't know
    Still I would love to see the iPhone.

    Basic iPhoto...not an Aperture camera...anyway just trying to find an excuse for the iPhone....hehe :D

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  • Eidorian
    Sep 9, 12:56 PM
    Well if it gives you 64 bit memory addressing then it certainly is a newer chip I'm not sure what you where expecting an new front side bus maybe? Maybe the chip set (945) is a modest upgrade but in the case of he IMac if it were implemented would have resulted in a larger address space for the PC. That is a real change. It is interesting that Apple apparently didn't implement Napa64 in the new iMac, I do wonder why as the release dates almost coincide.

    As for Santa Rosa what there is so important to you that you want to wait? Just curious as I'm far from being in a position to purchase a new PC at the moment so this discussion doesn't really matter. It is more of a technical interest than anything else.

    That sounds like a description for the old D model but you are saying a single die. Frankly it sounds like a dead end processor to me. Communications between the two subsections should be via a separate communications path. I have this feeling that the manufactures are rushing to quad core a little to fast.

    DaveYou are correct it is a rushed quad core. At least we get more cores out a little faster. Though it's not the best implementation.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 08:27 AM
    The cellphone providers are doing all they can to reduce bandwidth usage. About a year ago I switched to the 200MB/mo. data plan to save $$$ on my AT&T bill.

    I don't understand how this application of the cloud is very useful. It will be something I would consider using only if I am near a WiFi connection, plus the ability to use DropBox for any kind of file trumps something that only works for music.

    Is the practical application going to provide control over whether it is active over WiFi vs. 3G? I am not paying another $15/mo. (or more) to AT&T just to listen to music.

    I don't get it. :confused:

    when ur at ur home you'd be connected to wifi so usage wouldn't be a problem. i don't know why anyone pays for the $15/month plan that's a complete ripoff to begin with.

    Apr 30, 07:04 PM
    Great, now can someone please release a product that actually uses Thunderbolt so I can get it for my MBP?

    +1 I know theres, an external hard drive available, but I'm curious myself to see what get's released.

    Aug 28, 11:49 PM
    Anyone else voting that they drop the price on the BlackBook to match the white MB? What are the chances, eh?

    that would be nice

    Sep 17, 10:31 PM
    OK. hang on. back the f&6king truck up.

    maybe we're backwards here. but i have NEVER, EVER heard of ANY kind of phone service where INCOMING calls are anything BUT free (excluding reverse-charge, obviously).

    Im sorry, but if you all accept crappy CDMA phones specific to a carrier, and paying for incoming calls, you are kidding yourself if you think you are anything but backwards. (i wont go into the whole metric thing :P )

    O no! Our cell phone technology is behind that of Europe's, where the small, congested spaces make it easier to unveil new cell technologies! The horror...

    Oct 12, 05:30 PM
    As much as I love rumors approximating nearer and nearer some state of acuity, actually seeing the product a day ahead is a tad disspaointing. It reminds me of the late night when Time Canada unveiled the G4 iMac. Well it'll still be fun to watch me Opie tomorrow, especially since she's promoting iPods over the Dell Ditty she did a couple years back.

    May 3, 10:52 AM
    Other then the CPU, there's not much to write home about.

    Its a nice and not unexpected speed bump. No complaints from me :)

    the wife has been wanting a new computer perhaps for her birthday I'll get her an imac

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